A child prodigy who started performing at the tender age of 7, comedian, musician and actor Aadar Malik was born to rule the stage. His reign is best encapsulated with his 2016 Amazon Prime Video special, “Stand-up: The Musical” which saw him bring all his talents to the stage in a mega celebration of talent and funnies.
Being a trained actor with over 10 years of experience in Indian theatre, Aadar lives to perform for audiences across the world. He was also trained in music at the prestigious Trinity College in London, and his composition ‘Goat Song’ was shortlisted at the Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival, London, and was a viral sensation on social media. Aadar has also started his own YouTube channel which focuses on Musical Parodies. The most popular video on his channel (by far) is the chart-topping “Bh*nch*d Sutta Cancer Ho Gaya” with over 4.6 million views.
Through all the work with the likes of Toyota, Great Learning and Cadbury, Aadar never forgot his artistic roots, making his International acting Debut in the 2019 French film “Sun”.