Realme Sundowner is a strategically targeted music IP for the brand to reach its target audience in the most effective and impactful way while keeping the entertainment quotient high. The IP aims at engaging with students across specific high footfall zones with their favourite artists on stage performing for them.
Leveraging the reach of music with featured top musicians, Realme aims to champion Punjabi-Pop & Hip-Hop as their sonic identity since these are the most popular genres amongst students and aims to influence them into joining the community with the biggest shows the campus sector has ever witnessed.
4 Cities
We hosted events at colleges across 4 cities including LPU Jalandhar, VIT Chennai, IIT Bombay & RGU Guwahati.
2 Artists
Guru Randhawa & Divine were the top picks who brought the IP great reach through their follower base of 15 Million+ followers.
70,000+ Footfall
Steady entertaining gigs with an audience that just couldn't get enough!