Sumaira Shaikh

  • 88.9K

Sumaira Shaikh is Mumbai-based comedian and content creator, and one of the fast rising stars of the Indian scene. Born and bred in Dongri, this once-psychology grad aced open mics while working as a writer for the pioneering comedy collective AIB, and for Abish Mathew‘s talk show, Son of AbishSumaira has subsequently teamed up with Sumukhi Suresh to write (and played a minor character in) the Amazon Prime Video original series Pushpavalli, and the Hotstar Exclusive Beauty and the Feast. She is also a script supervisor for Sumukhi’s popular YouTube series Behti Naak. She herself has over 4 million combined views on her own YouTube channel.

She is now a seasoned live performer, having been an opening act for some of India’s most popular comedians, including Biswa Kalyan Rath, Kanan Gill, Zakir Khan and Kenny Sebastian. She has also done work for several brands, including Bumble (with Kenny Sebastian), Uber, Levi’s and DailyHunt. While her brand of comedy is often described as deadpan and dark, her career is anything but.